iZombie Is So Good It Makes Us Mad At Other TV Shows


iZombie Is So Good It Makes Us Mad At Other TV Shows


When over-achieving medical resident Liv Moore attends a party that turns into a zombie feeding frenzy, she ends up joining the ranks of the living dead. Determined to pass as human despite her pale appearance and newly listless demeanor, Liv forms a plan to resist her drive to consume fresh human brains by taking a job at a coroner's office, where she can secretly snack on the brains of corpses delivered there. Soon discovering that she absorbs the memories of those she feeds on, she finds new purpose by posing as a psychic and working with a detective to help solve their murders.


Veronica Mars meets something new. Thats really the only way to describe this. The dialog is quick witted and funny. Its got a case of the week set up which makes it perfect for casual watching and the expected twist at the end of the first episode shows there will indeed be a story going beyond the case of the week. The lead actress is really good for this part. I liked her from the start and expect she's going to carry this show. Her supporting cast is a little bland at this point but given time I think they can grow into better characters. When you sit on your couch and complain about all television shows being the same and about them making yet another CSI:Alaska THIS is the show you should start watching. Ignore the Romero fan boys complaining about the Zombies. this isn't a show about Zombies! This isn't The Walking Dead. This is a light hearted take on what if a Zombie with the ability to eat brains and see visions of the persons life had to interact with the real world. Would she sit on her couch and be a Zombie or would she go out and help those that can't help themselves?


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  1. Intriguing.. But seems overcooked.. Never liked zombie movies or shows.. World war z was an exception..
